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Writer's pictureHayley Yendell

The Future of Maintained Nursery Schools - is Federation the solution?

In the ever-evolving landscape of early years education, decisions regarding the structure and management of schools play a pivotal role. In the face of financial adversity one potential solution is that of Federation. The notion of federating with other schools in similar positions can certainly seem an attractive especially when considering the future sustainability of Maintained Nursery schools. This blog the revisits the purpose of Maintained Nursery schools, highlights the importance and value of collaboration, and explores the advantages and disadvantages of federating.

Maintained Nursery Schools: A Cornerstone of Early Education

Maintained Nursery schools have always played a crucial role in providing high-quality early education and support to children and families, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. These schools often offer specialised services, such as early intervention programs, SEN support, and family engagement initiatives. Maintained Nursery schools prioritise child-centred approaches, focusing on holistic development and social-emotional learning. Investing in Maintained Nursery schools is essential for promoting equity, and ensuring that all children have access to high-quality early education. However, maintained Nursery Schools are under greater financial threat than ever before and governing bodies and local authorities are making difficult decisions regarding the future sustainability of their schools. Is federating a potential solution?

Advantages of Federation

There are undoubtedly positive outcomes of federating. Notably:  

Resource Allocation: Federating allows for the pooling of resources, enabling schools to benefit from shared expertise, facilities, and administrative functions. This can lead to cost savings and more efficient use of resources.

Professional Development: With a larger pool of staff and expertise, Federating can provide wider opportunities for professional development, training, and collaboration among educators. It can also offer opportunities for promotion thus supporting staff retainment.

Streamlined Processes: Central management through Federation can streamline administrative processes, ensuring consistency in policies, curriculum implementation, and quality control across institutions.

Shared Knowledge: Federating promotes collaboration among educators, allowing for the sharing of best practices, resources, and innovative teaching methods.

Specialised Support: Schools within a Federation can access specialised support services, such as SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) expertise, counselling services, and other specialized resources that individual schools might not afford or have access to.

Disadvantages of Federation

Whilst the advantages are clear federating does not come without potential pitfalls and disadvantages:

Loss of Autonomy: Schools within a Federation may experience a loss of autonomy, as decisions regarding staffing and resource allocation are often centralised.

Slower Decision-making: The bureaucratic nature of federated systems can sometimes result in slower decision-making processes, as decisions may need to pass through multiple layers of management or governance structures.

Cultural Differences: Integrating schools with different cultures, values, and educational philosophies can pose challenges, potentially leading to conflicts or resistance to change.

The Importance of Collaboration and Teamwork

Collaboration and teamwork are fundamental principles in education. Working collaboratively fosters a culture of shared responsibility, collective problem-solving, and continuous improvement. When educators, administrators, parents, and community stakeholders collaborate effectively, they can create nurturing environments that promotes children's growth, development, and learning. A Federation can be the ultimate mechanism for collaborative working.

However, federating is not the only way to include all stakeholders and benefit from the expertise of others. Recognising the importance of teamwork and placing children at the centre of educational initiatives ensures that decisions, policies, and practices align with children's unique needs, strengths, and interests.


There is no doubt that Maintained Nursery Schools can play a pivotal role in early education. Collaboration, teamwork, and recognising the importance of placing children at the centre of educational initiatives are essential principles that drive positive outcomes in early childhood education and can promote educational equity. Federating is one way to protect all that is good in this sector in the face of financial adversity. It offers many advantages such as economies of scale, enhanced collaboration, and expertise sharing. However, the disadvantages must be considered, bureaucracy, loss of autonomy and significant structural changes are considerable pitfalls. The decision to federate is not one that can be taken lightly and one that governing bodies must give extremely careful consideration based on stakeholder consultation and robust due diligence processes. Ultimately, finding the solution to future-proof any school or setting must be a decision driven by identifying what will sustain the vital, high-quality early years provision for the children in your care.

Is federation the answer to the future of maintained nursery schools?
Future of Maintained Nursery Schools


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